Aiming to reduce death and disability
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Monitoring warfarin with factors II and X only
Replacement of traditional prothrombin time monitoring with the new Fiix prothrombin time increases the efficacy of warfarin without increasing bleeding. A review article.
Authors: Pall T. Onundarson , Ragnar Palsson, Daniel M. Witt and Brynja R. Gudmundsdottir
Thrombosis Journal open access Oct 2021
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Monitoring warfarin with factors II and X only
Ignoring instead of chasing after coagulation factor VII during warfarin management; an interrupted time series.
Authors: Alma R. Oskarsdottir, Brynja R. Gudmundsdottir, Hulda M. Jensdottir, Bjorn Flygenring, Ragnar Palsson, and Pall T. Onundarson
Blood May 30 2021
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Monitoring warfarin with factors II and X only
Author: Daniel M. Witt
Blood May 30 2021
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The need for an adapted initiation nomogram during Fiix prothrombin time monitoring of warfarin
Authors: Onundarson, P.T and B.R. Gudmundsdottir
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Oral anticoagulant monitoring: Are we on the right track?
Authors: Onundarson, P.T. and B. Flygenring
During warfarin induction, the Fiix-prothrombin time reflects the anticoagulation level better than the standard prothrombin time
During warfarin induction, the Fiix-prothrombin time reflects the anticoagulation level better than the standard prothrombin time
Authors: Jonsson PI, Letertre L, Juliusson SJ, Gudmundsdottir BR, Francis CW, Onundarson PT
J Thromb Haemost. 2017 jan;15(1):131-139. doi 10.1111/jth.13549. Pub 2016 Nov 30
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Authors: Oskarsdottir AR, Gudmundsdottir BR, Indridason OS, Arnar DO, Bjornsson ES, Magnusson MK, Jensdottir HM, Vidarson B, Francis CW, Onundarson PT
J Thromb Thrombolysis. 2017 May;43(4):550-561. doi 10.1007/s11239-017-1482-4
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A system review of randomised trials comparing Fiix-warfarin or direct oral anticoagulants to standard PT-warfarin
Authors: P.T. Onundarson, D.O. Arnar, S.H. Lund, B.R. Gudmundsdottir, C.W. Francis, O.S. Indridason
Version of Record online: 17 July 2016. DOI: 10.111/ijlh.12537
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Authors: Letertre LR, Gudmundsdottir BR, Francis CW, Gosselin RC, Skeppholm M, Malmstrom RE, Moll S, Hawes E, Francart S, Onundarson PT
J Throm Haemost. 2016 May; 15(5):1043-53. DOI: 10.1111/jth.13300
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Authors: Lippi G, Favaloro EJ.
The Lancet Hematology. 2015;2(6):2
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Authors: Páll T Onundarson, Charles W Francis, Olafur S Indridason, David O Arnar, Einar S Bjornsson, Magnus K Mangusson, Sigurdur J Juliusson, Hulda M Jensdottir, Brynjar Vidarsson, Petur S Gunnarsson, Sigrun H Lund, Brynja R Gudmundsdottir
The Lancet Hematology. 2015;2(6):9
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Authors: Brynja R. Gudmundsdottir, Charles W. Francis, Alexia M. Bjornsdottir, Moa Nellbring, Pall T. Onundarson
Thromb Res. 2012;130(4):674-81

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